Aesthetic Room Update

After almost 3 months of slowly shifting furniture and waiting for packages to arrive, my room update is finally done!

Before and The Plan

Since updating my room back in 2019, I’ve accumulated a lot more items, especially furniture. All of this was laid up against the walls which left me with this huge blank floor space in the middle of the room. After the first room makeover, I loved how spacious the room looked. But after a while, I realized that I would just pile my stuff all around the floor on weeks where I’d get lazy or couldn’t find a proper home for my new items.

The main change I made was moving my IKEA Hovet mirror to the opposite corner by the window so that it would face more natural light. This also meant I needed to shift my bed that used to be along that wall, to the middle of my room.

Other Changes I Wanted to Make:

There were a few other updates I wanted to do but I ultimately, I decided to hold off on these changes since I do plan on moving to my own place in the future.

First was to add a shelf above the bookshelf and two above my wooden drawers. Instead I bought the brass circle mirror from Target for the bookshelf to bring more light into the room. As for the wooden drawers, I was a bit worried since there is a light fixture on that wall. It figured it was going to be too much of a hassle to move around the electrical.

I also planned to replace some of the fixtures around the room. For example, I wanted to replace the handles from my IKEA night stand and dresser with black or gold handles to make it easier to pull out. I’ve also wanted to get a new doorknob for my closet because after all these years, it hasn’t had one.

Product Links

There are some of the key items in my bedroom. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like me to link!

Let me know how you liked the room update in comment. And don’t forget to watch my original Minimal Room Makeover and my updated Aesthetic Room Tour on my YouTube channel.


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